Thursday, August 23, 2007

K and Dave

CLICK HERE to see K and Dave Kiss

CLICK HERE to see K and Dave Hug

Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Dutch Lady" Impersonator

CLICK HERE for Video

David found a new use for diapers.....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lesson in Anatomy

Dave is learning the different parts of the human body......

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dave, Simpsonised

OK, I decided to, "why not go overboard and simpsonise J and dave as well?" So there.

My hubby, Simpsonised

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What I Would Look Like As A Simpson Character

I found that out when i got myself simpsonised...real easy, go to the website and upload a photo of yourself. V fun...

Happy National Day


The extended family celebrated National Day (Happy Birthday Singapore!!)at the beach. When we arrived and saw the crowds, J commented, "O my gosh, half of Singapore must be here!" Anyway, Dave had fun with sand and we tucked in on McDonald's. Later, the Chong threesome camped out at Marina Bay to wait for the fireworks. We hunted down a rare parking space, dodged questioning policemen, sat out for more than an hour with grass n mossies and skipped much-needed sleep(dave)...ALL for five precious minutes of fireworks. We video-ed it for some friends out of the country...island and michy, this is for you. :) Click on "fireworks."
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A Grandfather's Love

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CLICK HERE for Video.

It never fails to amaze and touch me whenever I witness dave's grandparents' love, protection and doting of him. Here's grandpa doing a "horsey ride" for dave...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Domesticated Dave

dave is becoming such a great little helper to mum. He helped mummy to hang the damp laundry, cleaned the sofa of breadcrumbs (the mess he made himself) and even helped mum with dinner. Look at how lovingly he picks the mint leaves for tonight's carbonara pasta.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Dave's Latest Headgear

Watch out for the next big thing to line up the Paris runways in headgear fashion...

CLICK HERE for Video

Saturday, August 4, 2007


I always thot the brand "Godiva" must suffer quite a bit from its unclear sexual identity - whether to be a god or a diva. Apparently, if I understood correctly from it's marketing literature, "Godiva" happens to be a long-haired, horse-riding legendary being. I still don't know what relevance it has with great-tasting chocolates...I didn't have the patience to read on. BUT look what I've got! A whole box of godivas waiting to be offered to and sacrificed in my mouth. Even tho' "esta cuesta un ojo" compared to supermarket brands, it may well be worth it. Good dark chocolate is like medicine to me. A good book, a good CD, a good company and a good chocolate completes a good afternoon.

David is Belly Confused

CLICK HERE for Video

This episode made me roll unto my tummy for quite a while...dave comes up with the most innocent confusions. Here's where he thot dada's belly button was...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Kissy Kiss Kiss

CLICK HERE for Video

A typical conversation to negotiate a kiss from dave goes like this:

Mummy: "David baby, KISS KISS mummy please."

Dada : (whispers to dave) "David, go kiss mommy, go go..."

David :(distracted and runs to play with toy truck)"..........KOK! KOK! KOK!"

Mummy: "David Shooooooo-gar, c'mon kiss mummy, c'mon.." (puckers up)

Dada : (whispers to dave)"C'mon buddy, go give mommy a kiss..."

David: (distracted,runs and points to door)"....DOOR! DOOR!"

Mummy: (begs pitifully) David, PUR-LLLLLeeeeeeeeeeSE..."

David: (finally patters over and plants a wet one) "....muarck!"

Mummy: "heeeee......."

And all's well that ends well.....:)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Growing Pains

Dave's got a haircut today. As usual he screamed his head off....
We've started bringing him to "Junior League" for his haircuts about 3 months back. It's IMPOSSIBLE to give him a DIY at home these days. He wrestles me like a champion. The "hair-dresser aunty" there is efficient, skillful and sympathetic. I suspect she feels like a villain every time she gives Dave his cut. She tries to cajole the tearful boy with balloons and sweets. Dave, upset as he is, usually flatly declines. Poor thing. I mean the poor aunty. Anyway Mummy at least is happy with the result. Yipppeeeee! I had been wincing each time I laid eyes on Dave's static afro-like hair in the past 2 weeks. Right now he averages about one trim per month. If the pattern stays, he'll probably get used to having his trims and will grow to love the electric shaver in no time. Fingers crossed......